I have removed the silence from seventeen ABBA songs. I was going to only include the parts where it was more interesting but by themselves they don’t carry as much weight as within the context of the original song. Some are crazier than others, but sometimes the very slightest “correction” can dramatically change the song. in some cases the new version makes decisions better than the original, like in Super Trouper (!) Money, Money, Money might be my favourite followed closely by One Of Us which channels Bob Marley. Words that came to mind as I listened: experimental jumpiness, irregular, still very familiar, unexpected, tiny fractions of a beat missing make a difference, suddenly “speeding up” in odd places, ends of phrases where the voice stops so does the music, complex time signatures, dizzying, comical even hilarious in places, insane rhythms, faded outros disappear, almost like someone is practising them + making mistakes, unsettling, Satanic garblings, uneasily waiting for the next glitch, epic drum solos + seeming distortions.